Monday, August 5, 2013

My week was pretty good :)

My week was pretty good. We have a new investigator who is our age. well, she is 23 but that's close enough. We had Americans at church again yesterday. Well, at least one. He is cool. His name is Lex Howard. fun... hmm. We ate at McDonald's on Wednesday and got a free cup, that was kind of fun. ha-ha. We eat with a member every Sunday, but usually that's it. yeah, they are slowly getting better.
We haven't done too many really fun exciting things except for Monday, we went to an investigators house for lunch and we ate Rabit. but I was finished by the time they told me what it was or else I wouldn't have eaten it, or at least had a lot of trouble eating it. 

I told dad about a cake that I think Kelli should try and make. The cake part is more like those small round cake things, almost like sponge cake, that we used to put ice cream and strawberries on. ha-ha... I just realized I told dad about a cake that Kelli can't eat, cause it has strawberries on it. ha-ha tell her to make it any way.  

So for FHE on Wednesday, we get together at the church, eat food and read Scriptures with the members that don't have anyone to do it with. For the past couple of weeks, Sister Ebisch, who lives two floors above us and is not married, (the sister of Brother Ebisch who's house we skyped from on mothers day), has been making the food. She is really nice. 

Saw Sister Pitech on Wednesday last week and will again this Wednesday as well. She seems to be doing really well. How is Brother Dixon. the elder who came home for knee surgery. I emailed him, but haven't heard back yet. At least I think I emailed him. 

Got three new untersucher  (investigators) over the past couple weeks. They are all really cool people. 

So our oldest untersucher, is 84 years old and our youngest I think is now 23. Who we just found recently in a restaurant. 

We have been tausching the car a lot with the Annaberg elders, so we have been walking and riding bikes. It's kind of been slowly killing me. I really wish I wouldn't have just sat around the house for 2 years. I am not fit at all. 

So some exciting news. President Seidl, the branch president, who is also over all of the apartments in the mission, has decided that he wants to renovate our kitchen and make it new. WOO HOO!!. I have already picked out some colors that I think would be great in the apartment, because they are positive and happy and would make it a great environment to come home to, after a long day of people saying no. 

oh and some people like us but most of the people just think we are annoying ha-ha.  

I have also been trying to find pictures for our apartment to make it more homey, but unfortunately the büro (Office) has like no pictures available to them. 

Elder Marshall's Birthday was on July 17th and he just hit his one year mark.

well, I got to go. We got to catch a bus. Going to get the car back from Annaberg. 

Elder Crotts

P.S. How's Misty. Can you send me some of those pictures that you put on the Montages. That way I can have big versions so that Bruno, the 84 year old, can see them. 

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