Landon is engaged... that's so weird, but I think I approve. ha-ha. Tiff sent me a picture of the ring on her finger and all
it said was "WOAH!! the wood in the background looks weird. It's all
green" ha-ha I wonder how she'll react to it. Make sure you get a card board cut out of me for the reception.
Sister Pitech seems to be doing really well. It's nice
that I have gotten to see her so much.

Monday I cut my hair, it's a lot shorter now.
Tuesday we tausched with Annaberg Elders and Elder Mitchell
and I were in schwarzenberg. We got lost for 40 or 50 minutes trying to get to Sosa. Then on the way back from Sosa I scratched the side mirror on a
cement pole, then later that day I hit the side mirror of another car with
the same side mirror I hit on the pole. I called President and Elder Beesley (finance guy), and got in contact with the Lady who owned the car. she ended
up having to call the cops. We called a member to come help us and he got there first and within like 30 seconds had fixed her mirror. Her auto
guy came and tested it, it worked everyone was happy and then.... the popo
came. They were so scary looking. I'm pretty sure they eat whole chickens for
breakfast, just to get to the eggs. It was like scary, but our member talked to
them and they left no problem. I had to fill out two damage reports. The
only damage to our car was a little rubber smudge and a scratch from the cement pole.
Wednesday we had a service project in Annaberg after our
district meeting. I got to wear my jeans. I miss jeans.
Thursday we tausched with the Zone Leaders. Elder Ashby and I were in Schwarzenberg. That night our car had problems and was slipping
gears. It was not a good week for the car.
Friday Elder Ashby and I road
bikes and found two new contacts and made two new appointment for this week.
Woo!! He is pretty cool. He only has 6 months left and is from American Fork.
Saturday we helped a member move. She has 8 cats, enough said. I got to wear my jeans again. I miss jeans... and normal clothes. I also prepared my talk. it took a bit longer than I thought it was going to take, but it worked out.
Sunday we watched a Joseph Smith clip in Sunday School. Then I gave my talk in Sacrament. It was 20 minutes long, but was supposed to be 10. It was all over the place like my talks usually are. then we ate at the Wetzel's house. It was so good.
My knees have been
bugging me lately. Like they are actually starting to hurt, they used to just
feel funny, but now i'ts slowly turning more into pain. so yeah. Pray it's nothing
Well, that's all I have to say this week. Hope everything is good back home. How is the bathroom? How
is the TV? How are my movies? ha-ha, jk. I know my movies are ok.
Well I love you tons and thank you for all the support you
are giving me. Eat healthy and exercise, it's fun I promise. Tell misty I say hello and give her a kiss for me. Tell everyone I say hi. Doesn't
matter who it is.
Love you
Elder Crotts
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