Monday, November 25, 2013

I'm staying in Kassel with Elder Kossin :)

Well, I am doing much better this week. I finally talked to Sister Kosak about my stomach and she put me on some meds. Not helping too much yet, but what ev. 

Seems like you had a really busy week. I need more family pictures. Misty pictures would be good to and maybe some pictures found during family history. That would be great actually. Very useful. 

This past week I was able to make a very strong spiritual bond with one of our investigators. He is really a great guy and he is totally ready. He just needs to recognize his answer. He is from Burma, which is really cool and he is really really good at the piano. 

We also had an investigator come to church yesterday. He didn't seem to enjoy it too much because he didn't understand it, so that's a bit difficult, but we had a lesson with him on Friday and in the closing prayer he prayed that Elder Kossin and I would both get girlfriends... ha-ha, it was so funny. Just so you know, I still don't. but it'll probably happen because he prayed for it. 

I received a glass mug from an investigator and this last week he gave me an old protestant song book. It's pretty cool. I have been thinking of good presents to get you and I think I have decided, but I'm not sure you will completely enjoy it. ha-ha, but I think I will do it any way. 

Justin told me that he would visit you, so I'm glad he did. It's so weird that he is home. I'm pretty sure he just left like a month ago. 

oh and just so you know. We got our transfer call and we are all staying in Kassel for Christmas. yay. Thank Landon and Tiff for the Christmas songs.  

I bought some new trousers and a new shirt. They look good. 

Well, that's all I got for now. 

I love you so much. 
Thanks for all the support and love


Elder Crotts

Monday, November 18, 2013

5 c :/

  It's about 5 c (41 F) but it's going pretty good. I have been using the gloves that Joel gave me every day now. Life saver.

We are going to make stuffing and maybe cook up some chicken and mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving. I hope that all the missionaries here in Kassel, stay here for Christmas. It would be better.  

I'll be waiting for your Christmas package. Kolton sent me a letter, so I will be looking out for that as well. He seems to be doing pretty good. He's in Argentina now. They just had a baptism. No word on Frau. Hope she is doing good. 

well have fun with your cow stuff....

We went to a bible study group last Tuesday and that was fun. We are going again this Tuesday. we also had two tausches, was pretty heck-tick, but I met some Americans, who only one of them would talk to us. The others pretended like we weren't there. Even when we translated a lady saying that the train is having some technical difficulties and that they are working on getting it going.

I still haven't bought new jeans, but Christmas sales are going on now, so I will probably be buying them soon.  

I will send you a copy of the invitation I made for the ward Christmas party. I sent a video, hope you like it. I will try and make another one, but it will probably be two weeks till you get it. We are switching back and forth between the cafe and the church computers, kinda, so we will see how that goes. 

I love you. Thank you for everything.  

Love you more

Elder Crotts 

Monday, November 11, 2013

We have a new friend...

Sorry no video, but next week I will have one for you. We are at the cafe again and I am not risking my sd cards. 

Everyone seems to be doing good. No I didn't get a picture with Becar and Meeks. Unfortunately. 

Julian got married?? That's cool. Sorry you couldn't go. 

The fasting seems to be going quite well. 

I have still been having a weird uncomfortable feeling under my rib on the left side of my body or in other words my stomach. It's really weird, so I haven't been feeling the best.

Glad you had fun at Tiffani's bridal shower.

We have a new friend. His name is A____n and he is 19. He's from Africa and speaks five languages. Here is the interesting part, his Dad is a priest. The only reason they are here is because they are some sort of priest exchange program for their church. We are invited to their house tomorrow to join their bible study group. We'll see how that goes. 

So, we can visit members the week of Christmas, but we can't do any proselyting. 

The post from USA to Germany is really slow because the German chancellor figured out that the American government was hacking into her phone, so if you want to send me anything for Christmas I would send it this week or next week to get it to me on time, but if you can't no worries.

love you tons 
Elder Crotts

Monday, November 4, 2013

No, I didn't get my hamburger...

No, I didn't get my hamburger... 

I did get a surprise box from Jeff, Dawn and Echo. ha-ha. They sent me a bunch of junk food, which I ate almost all of by Saturday. 

We started our fast on Saturday and are still fasting. We had to break Sunday lunch at a member's house. We are doing a 40 day fast with our ward, so every day a different family in the ward fasts and we call them up and tell them what happened that day. It's for missionary work. That's pretty cool. 

I will try and get some pics. I am sending you some pics today, but the computer is going really slow. We are in the church today.  

I ate some really eggy crepes on Saturday at a members house and got dizzy for the rest of the day. 

We didn't do anything for Halloween. They don't celebrate Halloween over here. Also, we are not aloud to play board games, card games, do puzzles or nothing. so, I don't know what we are going to do around Christmas time when we aren't aloud to work for a week.

It's very cold and it gets dark really fast, but it's all good, I got my testimony to shed some light and keep me warm.

The mirror is now up in our bathroom, that was an adventure. So the equivalent of home depot over here is called Obi. It might be owned by the same people, but we ended up going there like four times, cause I had to install a light switch on the side of the cabinet to control the lights. That was an adventure. It is the worst not having the right tools.

You should repaint the fence blue, like tardis blue. Nice happy colors, that way I have something nice to see when I get home. There are like no happy colors here, ha-ha.I should probably mention I need new jeans. I think mine shrunk or I got fat, but they are way to tight now, ha-ha. 

Almost got robbed in Hamburg, actually I might have gotten robbed, but I don't know what they took cause I didn't notice anything missing, ha-ha. It was scary.

Hamburg was cool. I talked to a member of the 70 and he is from England and is pretty cool. President Kearon is his name. I also met an elder who is from Spanish Fork, but only got to talk to him for like 2 minutes. I saw Sister Schoupf, Sister Johnson, Elder Becar, Elder Meeks, my trainer and a bunch of other Elders and Sisters that I know. That was fun. 

Well, I am going to go write Kelli.

love you
enjoy the pics. 


Elder Crotts