Thank you to you and Grandma
for fixing my line.
I got the ink stains out, well sister Bast did.
I am taking so many supplements right now. ha-ha. I took a picture of what I am taking every day. Half my suitcase will be full of pills, ha-ha thanks. |
This last week we did service the entire week. That was funny. It was 30 c (86 F) so pretty hot.
Monday we cleaned out the Glückstadt apartment which took
all day.
Tuesday we went shopping. I'll take pics of this next
Wednesday we were in a garden the entire day working on a
fence and got nothing done, I got heat stroke.
Thursday we helped with a member moving.
Friday we helped again with the move.
Saturday we partied with Miss Ice because her and Elder
Santiago have the same birthday. 21st of May. Which is also the birthday of
Sister Kosak.
Sunday we were late for church because we missed our train. Then we ate at the Hardys.
They have a beautiful home and she is just a character. I think you would get along with her.
She said that she once had a
conversation with a missionaries mom, even though she doesn't speak English and
the mom doesn't speak German, but some how they talked for a bit and had
This bunny was out side of the church. The picture was taken through the church door. |
I am feeling fine, well, normal ha-ha. oh and I got bit by a spider on the back of my
neck, unfortunately didn't turn into spider man, but did have a slight allergic
reaction. All is good now, took some meds and it went away pretty fast.
Well, that my week. I got sunburned a bit, but not bad. I might
buy a hat, not sure.
I love you to pieces.
Elder Crotts